My friend and colleague, Jordan Syatt, from Syatt Fitness has posted three videos to help you with your squat. I’ve been asked a lot lately about bar position and what to think about when the weight gets heavy, so these videos couldn’t have come at a better time. Enjoy!
1. Should you go high or low bar?
High Bar or Low Bar from Jordan Syatt on Vimeo.
2. What external cues to think about while squatting
External Cues for Improved Squat Performance from Jordan Syatt on Vimeo.
3. How to create a more stable foot while squatting
Creating Foot Stability for a Stronger Squat from Jordan Syatt on Vimeo.
If you enjoyed these videos, you’ll enjoy Jordan’s new Elite Performance Squat Seminar which was released today. It’s almost 2 hours long and I had the privilege of getting a sneak peak a few weeks ago. I found this online video seminar very thorough and of high quality. There are a ton of BS fitness products out there, but this isn’t one of them. Jordan has interned and has been mentored by the best fitness and powerlifting coaches in the world. He’s very smart and VERY strong.
Here is Jordan squatting 355lbs at a bodyweight of only 132:
To check out the Elite Performance Squat Seminar, which is only sale this week, follow this link:
photo credit: Marco Crupi Visual Artist via photopin cc