Here’s part III of my 30 Years 30 Health and Fitness Tips.

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or dietician. I do not provide meal plans or claim to be a nutrition expert. I only make recommendations on what foods to eat or avoid based on past experience and my education.


21. Gluten-free alternatives are just as bad as the gluten rich products in terms of nutritional content. If you’re dying for a grilled cheese or burger, eat these products in moderation.

22. On that note, most health problems are caused with the combination of wheat, sugar and alcohol in the body. Again, refer to the Perfect Health Diet.

23. The only thing you should drink is water, period…or juice from a juicer…or some teas…okay, or organic coffee (but seriously take out all the high-sugar beverages – this includes diet pop).

24. Invest in your health now – be preventative – or just wait until you’re sick and spend all your hard earned money then.

25. Juicing is great to get many nutrients in your body you wouldn’t normally. This does not replace eating the real thing. Eat salads and throw some spinach, kale and/or broccoli into your shakes – trust me, it’s not that gross.

26. Be the change you want to see in yourself. Move more throughout the day and exercise!!

27. Reducing the amount of toxins you consume is the goal of the Perfect Health Diet. (getting the hint on my new favorite book on nutrition??)

28. Get a support system in place before changing your lifestyle. Surround yourself with health-conscious, like-minded people. Remove all the negative people in your life and people with health habits you don’t want. You’re more likely to be successful.

29. Laugh, smile and cherish your life on this planet. You never know when you’ll be hit with illness.

30. Chill out! Try reducing stress to improve overall health and your well-being. Take time for yourself daily. Learn how to meditate. Find a job you love and it wont be a job. Sleep 8 uninterrupted hours nightly.

And remember, exercise is more effective than any pill on the market at improving your health and level of wellbeing. Side effects include more strength, larger muscles, better health, mobility, flexibility, a better sex life and looking great naked.

Well, that’s a wrap – all 3 parts have been posted.

I hope you enjoyed this series. Please leave your comments below.

Thanks for reading.

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Not having much if any experience with professional gyms I though it would be along the lines of going to a facility and doing your own thing, getting some instructions from time to time, if you asked for it, and for most part working out on your own, in a large impersonalized setting. I was a bit apprehensive as I figured I’d be standing around a lot looking at all this equipment wondering what to do with it, or worst doing something to hurt myself. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong. Both Jon and Thomas are very attentive, professional trainers, who lay-out an exercise program, from start to finish, for you. They demonstrate the exercise they want you to do and then watch you do it to make sure you got it right. Jon and Thomas are very thorough, patience and non-assuming.

I’m 29 and I just had my 3rd Liftiversary šŸ„³ at JKC. I chose to train here because of the great word on the street and the fact that at lululemon, we’re encouraged to support our local community. My day-to-day routine is very busy, and I love showing up and having to think very little about my workout. The vibes are always good, my music choice is usually accommodated, and the bys are incredibly supportive and compassionate, helping me reach my goals (even when I had a broken hand). I also get to be my weird self, and am embraced fully.

Kathryn Sparrow

Nutritional Coaching by Julia Howard

From my initial consult with Julia, she was professional and knowledgeable as both a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and athlete. She was interested in my nutrition and fitness goals and the development of a plan that would set me up for success.

Julia designed weekly meal plans that were complete with recipes and shopping lists. The food choices were nutritious, easy to prepare, and ensured that I felt well nourished and energized throughout my training and non-training days. Not only do I feel leaner and more fit, but I have more energy and I feel much more in tune with my body and food choices. Julia really helped me put everything in place so I can continue this process going forward- I cannot thank her enough!

lisa jumping onto a box

JKC was recommended to me by a fellow runner. I was experiencing injuries, and feeling weak and fragile. When I started with JKC, Jon asked me about my goals and my focus. I wanted to concentrate specifically on running, and preventing injury. Jon developed a program for me that has enabled me to focus on my form and strength and has been flexible enough to enable me to train for many different races. I have been training with JKC for six years, and during that time I have enjoyed Jon and Thomasā€™s expertise in a very warm and supportive atmosphere.

As Seen On: