how to train your dragonIf you recall, I wrote a guest post for the Greatist back in the summer about the importance of GPP-type workouts. Twice a week, along with my regular “gym” sessions, I like to incorporate what I like to call Dragon Training. As you might know, I sell a t-shirt known as the JKC Dragon Tee, so the name Dragon Training is quite fitting. [the poster to the left should really say How to Train Your Inner Dragon.]

Dragon Training is a high intensity workout that incorporates kettlebells, sandbags and sprinting. Yes, I made up the phase Dragon Training, but all gurus come up with their own systems right?? The goal of Dragon Training is to increase cardiovascular output and GPP using the tools I listed above. And who said cardiovascular workouts and resistance training had to be separated anyway? Trust me – explosive kettlebell exercises plus full body sandbag exercises plus sprinting equals a very sweaty t-shirt.

Here’s the template for a Dragon Training session:

  • 1) Sandbag Exercise 8-10 reps (zero sec rest)
  • 2) KB Exercise 20-25 reps (zero sec rest)
  • 3) Sprint 3-5 reps (60 sec rest)

Repeat for 5-10 rounds depending on how much time you have. Using the template, choose your exercises below.

Sandbag Exercises:


  • -Sandbag Clean
  • -Sandbag Clean to Zercher Squat
  • -Sandbag Clean to Reverse Lunge
  • -Sandbag Clean to Lateral Lunge
  • -Sandbag Clean to Over-shoulder Toss
  • -Sandbag Over the Shoulder Clean
  • -Sandbag Split Stance Clean
  • -Sandbag Clean to Push Press
  • -Sandbag Clean High Pull
  • -Sandbag Snatch High Pull
  • -Sandbag Rotational Lunge

KB Exercises


  • -2-hand KB Swing
  • -Double KB Swing
  • -KB Clean
  • -Double KB Clean
  • -KB Snatch
  • -Double KB Snatch
  • -KB Clean to Push Press
  • -KB Clean to Overhead Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Push Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Overhead Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Front Squat
  • -Double KB Clean to Front Squat to Overhead Press
  • -Double KB Clean to Reverse Lunge



  • -flat sprint (10-15 sec; jog back recovery)
  • -hill sprint (10-15 sec; jog back recovery)
  • -AirDyne sprint (15-30 sec; easy peddling recovery)

So here’s a sample week that incorporates Dragon Training:

Monday – Full Body Gym Workout
Tuesday – Dragon Training
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Full Body Gym Workout
Friday – Dragon Training
Saturday – Full Body Gym Workout
Sunday – Rest

So, it depends how well you can recover between workouts and how busy you are. I like to fit in one or two of these type of workouts per week…and no it’s not Crossfit. As Hamilton Nolan says on Gawker [The Problem(s) with Crossfit – one of the funniest articles I’ve ever read]:

“You can’t trademark working out, you f***ers. Doing burpees or overhead squats or 400 meter runs followed by handstand pushups does not mean you’re “doing Crossfit.” You’re just working out. You don’t own that shit. You bastards.”

So train your inner dragon with Dragon Training – you owe it to yourself.

Thanks for reading,


I am 62 years young and I started training with Jon in 2013. I originally came to join JKC as a recommendation from other family members that were onboard with Jon. Their enthusiasm for the gym experience was quite evident.  I was not to be outdone, so I decided to join as well. JKC, in my mind, certainly stands out from the crowd. I feel it’s a combination of the skill and passion the coaches have for their job and their clients. Each client is treated with the upmost respect and given time to explore their fitness journey without any pressure. JKC is certainly not a cookie cutter gym.The coaches customize your fitness program to suit your needs and your fitness level. This certainly makes sense because no two clients are alike.  This is where JKC excels! Jon, Thomas, and Craig keep the atmosphere at the gym light, but productive. A great combination that obviously works and makes the clients want to come back. Lastly, the camaraderie at the gym is everything. Meeting likeminded people who make you feel you are not alone in your fitness journey is everything.

I came to JKC through recommendations from my peers from lululemon. As a current ambassador, I’ve been introduced to legacy ambassadors, like Jon, and I knew a bunch of other people from the store were working out here so I wanted to give it a go. I often dread lower body workouts so I started coming here to do legs. I’ve had such great progress that I now come twice a week— and, I no longer hate leg day!

I’ve never experienced this sort of hybrid between group workouts and personalized service. Many group strength training services offer a sort of one-size-fits-all workout for the general population, which has never been of interest to me, because I want my workout tailored to my needs! I LOVE that you can be in a group setting while doing your own personal program; I love the camaraderie and community at JKC, and, I’ve seen incredible results thus far! Jon is always so attuned to what I need.

I had virtually no real experience using weights and felt intimidated going gyms. I avoided gym-goers using free weights, especially when hearing that loud crash, as they would drop weights to the floor. I thought this was to show everyone around them that they owned that area and that I shouldn’t go anywhere near! So I guess I just wanted to learn how to lift weights safely in a gym environment.

I spent over 18 years in the British Military, so I got to use some nice gyms. 99% of my time and experiences in those gyms was spent doing cardiovascular workouts, because I could just jump on a treadmill, plug in my head phones and do my own thing! JKC is different, because they have given me the confidence to use free weights and equipment that I had feared for years. Their demonstrations and knowledge is impeccable and I thank them for their continuous belief and support they show me at every session.

Not having much if any experience with professional gyms I though it would be along the lines of going to a facility and doing your own thing, getting some instructions from time to time, if you asked for it, and for most part working out on your own, in a large impersonalized setting. I was a bit apprehensive as I figured I’d be standing around a lot looking at all this equipment wondering what to do with it, or worst doing something to hurt myself. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong. Both Jon and Thomas are very attentive, professional trainers, who lay-out an exercise program, from start to finish, for you. They demonstrate the exercise they want you to do and then watch you do it to make sure you got it right. Jon and Thomas are very thorough, patience and non-assuming.

My initial goal was to find qualified personal training services in a personalized small gym setting. I have never been a fan of large gyms. JKC offers a friendly, happy gym experience that motivates me to strive for bigger and better results every week. Jon, Thomas and Craig are genuinely talented and always excited to celebrate everyone’s success.

I have a passion for challenging myself to achieve or beat goals. My favourite memories take me back to greater wins than I ever imagined with deadlifts and after a lot of determination and hard work, being able to do multiple chin-ups. Training at JKC has been one of the best experiences of my life – thank you for your commitment to helping me stay fit!!💪🏼😅

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