Muscles all knotted up??

Some runners have to put them selves through what people would call TORTURE to be able to run strong.  And no, I’m not referring to hill repeats or 1000m repeats on the track.  And no, I’m not referring to deadlifts or high box step ups.  
I’m talking about another form of therapy called Graston Techniques.  This form of therapy really looks like a form of torture because of the TOOLS involved!!

Today, Dr. Cupido discusses why and how Graston can help you RUN STRONG.

Graston® Technique for Runners

Most runners have heard of ART®, but Graston® is just starting to become better known within running circles.  This technique has been around for close to 20 years now and is part of the curriculum at 38 colleges and universities.  It was developed and researched at Ball Memorial Hospital and Ball State University in Indiana and since, the company has continued to place an enormous focus on medical research to prove its effectiveness for managing various injuries / conditions.

Graston Technique® employs specially designed stainless steel instruments with beveled edges to perform muscular and fascial mobilizations.  A multidirectional stroking technique is applied to the skin at a 30 to 60 degree angle.  In addition to removing scar tissue adhesions, this technique is proposed to enhance the proliferation of extracellular matrix fibroblasts, improve ion transport and decrease cell matrix adhesions.  That is geek talk for improving tissue health.

The following conditions respond very well to Graston® Technique:

-Fascial Adhesions / Scar Tissue
-Nerve Entrapments
-Muscle Strains (Acute or Chronic)
-Iliotibial Band (ITB) Irritation / Syndrome
-Anterior / Posterior Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)
-Runner’s Knee / Patellar Tendinopathy
-Achilles Tendinosis
-Plantar Fasciitis
-Snapping Hip Syndromes
-Post-Ankle Sprain Muscle Dysfunction
-Post-Surgical Scar Tissue
-Superior Tibiofibular Joint Fixation

As previously mentioned my blog on A.R.T.® for runners, determining and managing the cause of the injury or muscle tightness is imperative to ensure it does not return. Therefore, orthopedic, muscle, and functional testing should be performed to develop an optimal plan of management that will include not only passive care provided by the practitioner, but of course active rehabilitation performed by the patient.

Remaining healthy in the sport of running is a team effort.  Due to the demands running places on your body, tissue maintenance and preventative functional testing is a good way to remain healthy and strong. Individual rehab and “prehab” programs remain an integral component to every successful runner’s plan!

As Jon Kawamoto says, RUN STRONG!


Dr. Carla Cupido, Hon. B. Kin, D.C.
Certified in A.R.T. ®, Graston® Technique, Kineio® Tape & Functional Movement Systems™

I chose JKC because I row/coach teams in the St. John’s Regatta and was looking to add strength training to our program. My wife is also running friends with Julia, so I got to meet Jon a few times and heard lots of good things. I like JKC over other gyms because of the level coaching I receive and the gym atmosphere. The energy in the gym helps me through the tough workouts.

sumo deadlift

I had always wanted to start lifting weights and get stronger, but didn’t know where to start. I was looking not just for a gym, but for training on proper technique to prevent injury and a program designed for my specific goals. I also wanted a fun and supportive atmosphere to keep me coming back. JKC delivered on all of this and more.

Jon and Thomas have a wealth of knowledge that help their clients get the most out of their time in the gym. Programs are continuously modified to keep the workouts challenging. Even through everyone’s program is unique, you always have the coaches and other clients cheering you on and pushing you to achieve new bests.

I chose JKC originally to help prevent rowing injuries. I’m a rower and we won the St. John’s Regatta in 2019 but I rowed through a rib stress fracture and missed significant time in the boat during the racing season. Training at JKC consistently since the pandemic helped me stay injury free this year and made me the strongest I’ve ever felt, which helped me help my team win the 2021 St. John’s Regatta! Jon adds variety and mixes the exercises up well so that the workout goes by quickly and strength is gained. The gym is very personable and I like the eclectic mix of people that are there. JKC is much more intimate and personal than other gyms.

I am turning 67 next month and I started my journey with JKC in 2018. Seven years ago I experienced significant foot pain which had a negative impact on my day to day activities. I learned that issues in other parts of the body need to be addressed to achieve a positive result. My doctor (Dr. Jessica Wade) suggested, along with some other therapies, that I could  benefit from the conditioning JKC had to offer. I previously had not trained in any gym. I observed how many gyms operated and had a sense that JKC would be more my style: training in a small group setting, having such personal attention, and a program meeting my specific needs is fantastic! I love the atmosphere at the gym. Everyone is accepted and you feel supported and comfortable.

I’ve always struggled with both my weight and anxiety throughout my life. As a writer you live a pretty sedentary lifestyle filled with both realistic and unrealistic deadlines, so I needed something to get me off my butt and to get me moving. JK has been a godsend during this past year and a half in particular. The pandemic has been tough, but workouts with both Thomas and Jon have really helped reduce the stress and strain of a global pandemic, and added an anchor of normalcy back into my life — which has been worth its weight in gold.

JKC has created an incredibly inclusive environment that’s filled with all kinds of supportive folks from all kinds of different backgrounds. For folks like myself, being surrounded by people with such athletic ability can be intimidating in most gyms. It can actually be a deterrent, and it sometimes has been for me. But, at JKC it’s far from that — it’s inspirational. Everyone supports one another. Which is something that’s not easily found in this day and age, inside of a gym or out. Not to sound like a total cheeseball here, but it really feels like a family.

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